Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig u re 14. 3 The Standard_Slot Weapon Controller weapons slots with prefabs setup.
weaponControl.NextWeaponSlot() tells the weapon controller to move on to the next
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if( other.gameObject.layer==12 )
// tell our sound controller to play a powerup sound
BaseSoundController.Instance.PlaySoundByIndex( 3,
myTransform.position );
// hit a powerup trigger
Destroy ( other.gameObject );
// advance to the next weapon
weaponControl.NextWeaponSlot( false );
LostLife() is called when the player is hit by an enemy projectile:
void LostLife()
The respawning process takes a little time, so isRespawning is a Boolean set to ensure
that it does not try to respawn more than once at the same time:
The game controller's PlayerHit() function will make a nice explosion effect at the
position of the transform passed into it:
// blow us up!
GameController_IP.Instance.PlayerHit( myTransform );
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