Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
wayPointDistance (float)
Determines, in 3D units, how close the bot will be allowed to get to a waypoint before
it advances to the next waypoint.
moveSpeed (float)
Indicates the speed at which the bot will move when it is moving along a path of
minChaseDistance (float)
Determines, in 3D units, how close the bot should get to its target, when chasing a
target, before it stops moving toward it. This is to prevent the bot from getting too
close and pushing the player around.
maxChaseDistance (float)
Determines, in 3D units, how far away from its target the bot is allowed to get before
it gives up chasing and goes back into patrolling mode.
pathSmoothing (float)
When the bot is following along a waypoint path, the rotation between each waypoint
is damped (rather than the bot jumping to a point directly at each point). This
variable is used to decide how much to interpolate this.
The functions to set them are as follows:
// set up AI parameters --------------------
public void SetPatrolSpeed( float aNum )
patrolSpeed= aNum;
public void SetPatrolTurnSpeed( float aNum )
patrolTurnSpeed= aNum;
public void SetWallAvoidDistance( float aNum )
wallAvoidDistance= aNum;
public void SetWaypointDistance( float aNum )
waypointDistance= aNum;
public void SetMoveSpeed( float aNum )
public void SetMinChaseDistance( float aNum )
minChaseDistance= aNum;
public void SetMaxChaseDistance( float aNum )
maxChaseDistance= aNum;
public void SetPathSmoothing( float aNum )
pathSmoothing= aNum;
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