Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using AIStates;
There are a lot of variables to declare, so don't worry about those right away. We will
see how they are used later in the breakdown.
The Init() function takes care of making cached references to the gameObject, the
transform, and its rigidbody (note that the script assumes that there will always be a rigid-
body attached to the AI gameObject):
public virtual void Init ()
// cache ref to gameObject
myGO= gameObject;
// cache ref to transform
myTransform= transform;
// cache a ref to our rigidbody
myBody= myTransform.rigidbody;
rotateTransform is an optional parameter that may be set in the Unity editor Inspector
window to provide a transform for rotation that is different from the one to which the
script is attached. This is used in cases where we do not wish to rotate the main transform:
// rotateTransform may be set if the object we rotate is
// different to the main transform
if( rotateTransform==null )
rotateTransform= myTransform;
As with all of the other scripts in this topic, didInit is a Boolean variable used to deter-
mine whether or not the Init() function has successfully completed.
// init done!
didInit= true;
A Boolean variable named AIControlled is used to decide whether or not this script
should take control. The SetAIControl() function just provides an easy way for other
scripts to enable or disable AI control:
public void SetAIControl( bool state )
AIControlled= state;
The script continues with some functions to set several of the main parameters used
in the AI behavior. Those are the following:
patrolSpeed (float)
Determines how quickly the bot should move when it is patrolling.
patrolTurnSpeed (float)
Determines how quickly the bot should turn when patrolling.
wallAvoidDistance (float)
Determines, in 3D units, how far the bot should look ahead in its attempts to avoid
running into walls when it is patrolling.
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