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FIGURE 6.39 Add a second caster to the assembly.
Now, you'll place the motor into the assembly. The fi les provided by the manu-
facturer include an assembly and two part fi les: one is the model, and the other
includes additional location geometry. You only need the model, so you'll use its
part fi le rather than the assembly.
In Chapter 3, “Moving into the Assembly World,” we discussed how a compo-
nent placed into the assembly (that isn't the base component) has six Degrees of
Freedom (DOF). Inventor has a mechanism that lets you visualize how you're
removing the Degrees of Freedom as you place constraints. The next exercise
includes the use of this tool for visualization:
1. Set the view of the assembly so that the ViewCube displays the Top,
Front, and Left of the assembly.
2. Place the 34LY1371_frame_10_96_N.ipt fi le from the C:\Data\
Supplier Content\Motor folder. You'll need to change File of Type
to Inventor Component Files to see the part fi le.
3. Switch the Ribbon to the View tab. In the Visibility panel, pick the
toggle that turns on the display of DOF (keyboard shortcut
4. Because the motor has full freedom, it initially displays the full icon,
as shown in Figure 6.40.
5. Constrain the back of the motor to the inside of the housing as
shown in Figure 6.41, with a .5in. offset.
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