Information Technology Reference
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$ vagrant init precise32
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
2. Install git from a binary package available for Ubuntu:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ git --version
$ sudo apt-get install -y git
$ git --version
3. Compile and install git from sources:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get install -y make libssl-dev
libz-dev gettext libexpat1-dev
$ git clone --depth 1 git://
$ cd git
$ make prefix=/usr all
$ sudo make prefix=/usr install
$ git --version
4. Finish the recipe:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ exit
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ vagrant halt
How It Works
To compile git we need to download its source code, which is—you may
guess—available in the git repository. Therefore, we need a git client.
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