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config.vm.synced_folder [HOST-PATH], [GUEST-PATH]
The first directory is the path on your host operating system. It can be either abso-
lute or relative to the directory with Vagrantfile but it has to exist during boot up.
The second path is on the guest operating system. It has to be absolute. If the guest path
doesn't exist during boot up it will be created.
Here are the examples for Windows:
config.vm.synced_folder "c:\\some-dir-on\\windows",
and for Linux:
config.vm.synced_folder "/some-dir-on/Linux",
11-3. Compiling git on a virtual machine
You want to compile and install the latest version of git on virtual Ubuntu Linux. The
ability to compile git sources is useful when you want:
• To work using the latest git version
• To compile an external application such as cgit that relies on git
• To contribute to a git project
1. Start the virtual machine:
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ cd git-recipes
$ mkdir 11-03
$ cd 11-03
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