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Next, John wants to start the work on a specific unit test. He creates an ordinary loc-
al branch named test :
# john's command
$ git branch test
He is aware that this name may already be in use by many team members for their
own private work that not related to unit tests in any way. Therefore John decides that
the remote branch should be named special-unit-tests . He pushes his local
test branch under the name special-unit-tests with the following command:
# john's command
$ git push -u origin test:special-unit-test
The above command creates a remote branch named special-unit-test in
the remote repository aliased by origin . Check it with:
# shared-repo's command
$ git branch
Let's suppose that Sarah is assigned to work on documentation and tests. She
fetches from the remote with:
# sarah's command
$ git fetch
This command creates remote tracking branches origin/doc and origin/
special-unit-tests in sarahs-repo .
Some time has passed and the work in the doc and special-unit-tests re-
mote branches has passed smoothly. The members used Recipe 10-4 to synchronize
their work.
John downloaded the most recent revisions from doc branch. He decides that the
group work is finished. The remote doc branch should be deleted. John deletes remote
doc branch with:
# john's command
$ git push origin :doc
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