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$ cd git-recipes
$ mkdir 10-06
$ cd 10-06
$ git init --bare shared-repo
Next create a repository for John, create an initial revision , and send it to the
shared-repo :
$ git clone shared-repo johns-repo
$ cd johns-repo
$ git simple-commit "Initial commit"
$ git push -u origin master
Then create a repository for Sarah:
$ git clone shared-repo sarahs-repo
Let's assume that John is the leader. He is responsible for setting tasks for all team
members. He decides that some of the team's members (including Sarah) will work on
documentation. The work will be done in a branch named doc . For this purpose, John
creates in his repository a new ordinary local branch named doc :
# john's command
$ git branch doc
Then John makes the branch available for other developers. He pushes his doc
branch into shared-repo with:
# john's command
$ git push -u origin doc
The -u the above command sets the tracking in johns-repo for the doc branch.
After the above command, shared-repo contains the doc branch. You can verify it
# shared-repo's command
$ git branch
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