Information Technology Reference
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4-4. Staging and committing a removed
Your repository is in a clean state and contains a committed file— deleted.txt .
You want to remove the file from the working directory and then commit this opera-
Start the repository with:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git init 04-04
$ cd 04-04
$ git simple-commit deleted
Right now the repository is clean and the working directory contains the file de-
leted.txt .
Follow the procedure:
1. Remove the deleted.txt file with $ git rm deleted.txt
2. Check the contents of the working directory with $ ls. The file de-
leted.txt was removed.
3. Check the status of the repository with the $ git status command.
The output:
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
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