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Clone the repository from Recipe 3-1:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone 03-01 03-10
$ cd 03-10
Create a new file graham-masterton.txt :
$ vi graham-masterton.txt
Type its contents:
1975 | The Manitou
1977 | The Djinn
1979 | Revenge of the Manitou
Save the file and close the editor.
Then modify the file stephen-king.txt :
$ vi stephen-king.txt
Append two novels The Stand and The Dead Zone :
1974 | Carrie
1975 | Salem's Lot
1977 | The Shining
1978 | The Stand
1979 | The Dead Zone
Save the file and close the editor.
Right now, the $ git status command prints:
M stephen-king.txt
?? graham-masterton.txt
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