Information Technology Reference
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$ cd my/important/project
Initialize a new repository:
$ git init
And create the revision containing all the files:
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
Of course, you can use the alias:
$ git snapshot Initial commit
The repository contains a single revision that stores the current state of all the files.
Then, you can proceed with your work, storing all modifications with $ git snap-
shot or $ git add and $ git commit commands.
How It Works
Git's init command can be executed in any directory that doesn't contain a .git sub-
directory. You can run $ git init in a directory that already contains a project con-
sisting of many files and subdirectories. After the repository is initialized, you can im-
port all the files with two commands $ git add -A and $ git commit -m
"Initial commit" . You can use $ git snapshot Initial commit as
3-10. Losing uncommitted changes
You want to check what happens to your modifications if you forget to commit changes
and reset the working directory.
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