Information Technology Reference
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Note that the profile exists in two places: in Xcode and on the device. Before the app is copied to the device,
Xcode checks whether the profile has been installed. If it hasn't, it installs it automatically. After your first test
build, open the Settings app in your device and select General and Profile. You can view the profile here, and you
can delete it—but if you do, Xcode installs it again when you create a new test build.
Unlock your phone before a test build. If it's locked, Xcode can't unlock it automatically and can't install your test
Creating a Distribution Provisioning Profile
The steps for creating a distribution are similar to those needed for a development profile. On the Portal, select
the Provisioning item from the list at the left and the Distribution tab. You see the screen in Figure 11.21. It's
similar to the development profile screen, but the options are slightly different:
Distribution method: Select App Store for final app store distribution profile, and select Ad Hoc for a
beta distribution profile. The two choices are mutually exclusive.
Distribution certificate: This is preset for you, with your distribution identity.
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