Information Technology Reference
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5. Click Submit, and you see your new ID has been added to the list again.
Figure 11.12
The Portal App ID settings for a unique ID
If you want a single App ID, why not skip straight to this step and type the reverse-domain string as the suffix im-
mediately? Because sometimes you'll find you want a related suite ID. You can't create a suite ID from a single ID,
but you can create a single ID from a suite ID. If you're sure you need a single unique ID, skip the first step and
type the reverse-domain string right away.
Enabling other features
When you've created a wildcard/suite ID and a single app ID, the list at the bottom of the App IDs page should
look similar to Figure 11.13. You can see that the extra features for the wildcard/suite ID are marked unavail-
able. Because this ID is generic, they're permanently disabled. If your app doesn't need them, you can skip the
rest of this section.
However, they're enabled for the single ID. If you want to use in-app purchase or the game center, you don't
need to do anything more—except write the code.
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