Information Technology Reference
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The Breakpoint Navigator and the Debug Navigator
You can add a debugging breakpoint—a feature that stops code execution at a certain line for testing and re-
view—in the main code editor. Breakpoints remain in the code but are only active when breakpoint mode is
enabled. Click in the breakpoint gutter to the left of any line of code. A blue arrow appears when the breakpoint
is active. To disable a breakpoint, click its arrow again.
The Breakpoint Navigator, shown in Figure 4.15, lists all the breakpoints in a project. You can move to any
breakpoint by clicking the list at the left. You also can set up conditional breakpoints that are triggered only
after a certain number of repeats. Breakpoints are a powerful debugging aid, with many features and options.
For details, see Chapter 15.
When you add a breakpoint, Xcode switches to breakpoint mode automatically. You can toggle breakpoint mode
manually by selecting the arrow icon to the right of the active scheme selector.
Setting and listing breakpoints
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