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In-Depth Information
Figure 5-5. The WebSocket Demo, which ships with Apache ActiveMQ
To troubleshoot the demo or learn more about configuring Websocket with
ActiveMQ, see the product's instructions at .
Seeing STOMP Concepts in Action
ActiveMQ's WebSocket demo illustrates some of the basic STOMP concepts we discussed
earlier in this chapter and provides an easy way to see them in action before building the
application ourselves. Let's take a look at how these concepts surface in this demo.
To get started, you must first connect to the server. When we updated the activemq.xml
file, we set up the server URL at ws:// . You can use this URL now.
Then, you need to provide user credentials: a user name and a password. We will use
guest both as the user name (labeled as Login in the sample), and as the password.
Finally, you must provide a queue as a destination. By default it's called test. The /queue
prefix indicates that this is a queue, and /test is the name of the queue. Feel free to
change the latter part of the string, for example: /queue/stompDemo .
For the demo to work, you just need to change the server URL. be sure to use instead of localhost . All the other fields are pre-populated for you, and you don't
need to change them.
After you click Connect, your application displays, as shown in Figure 5-6 .
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