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control store at the falling edge of the clock when MIR is selected and read out, that
is sufficient. There is no need to actually store them in MPC . For this reason, MPC
might well be implemented as a virtual register , which is just a gathering place
for signals, more like an electronic patch panel, than a real register. Making MPC a
virtual register simplifies the timing: now events happen only on the falling and ris-
ing edges of the clock and nowhere else. But if it is easier for you to think of MPC
as a real register, that is also a valid viewpoint.
Let us continue our example by introducing the ISA level of the machine to be
interpreted by the microprogram running on the microarchitecture of Fig. 4-6
(IJVM). For convenience, we will sometimes refer to the Instruction Set Architec-
ture as the macroarchitecture , to contrast it with the microarchitecture. Before
we describe IJVM, however, we will digress slightly to motivate it.
4.2.1 Stacks
Virtually all programming languages support the concept of procedures (meth-
ods), which have local variables. These variables can be accessed from inside the
procedure but cease to be accessible once the procedure has returned. The ques-
tion thus arises: ''Where should these variables be kept in memory?''
The simplest solution, to give each variable an absolute memory address, does
not work. The problem is that a procedure may call itself. We will study these
recursive procedures in Chap. 5. For the moment, suffice it to say that if a proce-
dure is active (i.e., called) twice, its variables cannot be stored in absolute memory
locations because the second invocation will interfere with the first.
Instead, a different strategy is used. An area of memory, called the stack ,is
reserved for variables, but individual variables do not get absolute addresses in it.
Instead, a register, say, LV , is set to point to the base of the local variables for the
current procedure. In Fig. 4-8(a), a procedure A , which has local variables a1 , a2 ,
and a3 , has been called, so storage for its local variables has been reserved starting
at the memory location pointed to by LV . Another register, SP , points to the highest
word of A 's local variables. If LV is 100 and words are 4 bytes, then SP will be
108. Variables are referred to by giving their offset (distance) from LV . The data
structure between LV and SP (and including both words pointed to) is called A 's
local variable frame .
Now let us consider what happens if A calls another procedure, B . Where
should B 's four local variables ( b1, b2, b3, b4 ) be stored? Answer : On the stack,
on top of A 's, as shown in Fig. 4-8(b). Notice that LV has been adjusted by the pro-
cedure call to point to B 's local variables instead of A 's. We can refer to B 's local
variables by giving their offset from LV . Similarly, if B calls C , LV and SP are
adjusted again to allocate space for C 's two variables, as shown in Fig. 4-8(c).
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