Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.5. an icefront in
retreat, Victoria upper Gla-
cier is the last vestige of a
powerful glacier that once
filled Victoria Valley and
flowed through to the Ross
Sea. This is the vista that
Warren and Brooke looked
into from the summit of
Mount Mahoney, immedi-
ately out of the picture at
the end of the prominent
ridgeline that climbs to the
left out of the picture. at
the height of summer the
melting glacier adds water
to the frozen lake, which
flows off into the heart of
Victoria Valley.
Figure 7.6. The Labyrinth,
an enigmatic landform at
the head of Wright Valley,
emerges from the edge
of the retreating Wright
upper Glacier (see Fig. 2.9),
shown at the bottom of
the image. Lake Vanda
appears beneath the set
of hanging glaciers in the
distance (compare Fig. 7.4).
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