Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
See Also
Microsoft KB 816118: “How to Configure Remote Access Client Account Lockout in
Windows Server 2003”
Microsoft TechNet: “Remote Access Account Lockout”
c03f130b-ecc8-4f71-8bb2-cf447a438a181033.mspx )
4-13. Viewing Client Connections
You want to know who is connected to your remote access server and view statistics about that
user's connection.
Using a Graphical User Interface
Start the Routing and Remote Access Services administrative console from the Admin-
istrative Tools folder in the Start menu, or directly from %systemroot%\system32\
rrasmgmt.msc .
Expand the tree in the left pane, and select the Remote Access Clients node under the
server object.
View connected clients in the right pane. The default view includes the following:
￿ User Name: The user account through which the remote user connected
￿ Duration: The amount of time that has passed since the connection was established
￿ Number of Ports: The number of dial-in ports used by this connection
Double-click any client in the right pane to view additional statistics about that con-
nection, including the following:
￿ Statistics: The number of bytes and frames in and out, as well as the compression ratio
￿ Errors: The number of errors that have occurred during this connection, including
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), time-out, alignment, framing, hardware overruns,
and buffer overruns
￿ Network Registration: The IP, IPX, or AppleTalk address assigned to the connection,
or the NetBIOS name of the associated device
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