Information Technology Reference
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For example, use this command to send a push-replication trigger to the partner at and to propagate the trigger to its partners:
> netsh wins server init push server= propreq=1
To initiate pull replication from a specified server to another specified server, use
this command:
> netsh wins server init pullrange [Owner=] OwnerServerIP
[Server=] PullServerIP [MaxVer=]{High,Low} [MinVer=]{High,Low}
Here is a description of the command-line options:
Owner : Required parameter that specifies the IP address of the owner-server whose records
you want to pull.
Server : Required parameter that specifies the IP address of the server from which you are
pulling records.
MaxVer : Required parameter that specifies the maximum high and low values of the records
that you want to pull. Separate the entries with a comma, and enclose them in braces.
MinVer : Required parameter that specifies the minimum high and low values of the records
that you want to pull. Separate the entries with a comma, and enclose them in braces.
Note Set both MaxVer and MinVer arrays to {0,0} to pull all records.
For example, use this command to send a pull trigger from the WINS server at to
the one at and to request all records owned by :
> netsh wins server init pullrange owner= server=
maxver={0,0} minver={0,0}
Using the Registry
You can instruct the WINS server to notify its pull partners when an address in the database
changes by creating or modifying the following Registry value:
...Wins\Partners\Push\ <IPAddress> ]
Replace <IPAddress> with the IP address of the WINS server's pull partner.
How It Works
WINS replication is an automated process and will hopefully run without problems. However,
there may occasionally be a need to manually initiate the replication process. For example, if a
new server is brought online and you need all users on the network to have rapid access to it
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