Databases Reference
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LISTING 13.6 Continued
this.Name = descriptor.Name;
this.ColumnType = descriptor.PropertyType;
this.Nullable = this.ColumnType.IsValueType == false ||
System.Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(this.ColumnType) != null;
this.IsReadOnly = descriptor.IsReadOnly;
this.IsCustomProperty = true;
Extending the TableProvider to Support Custom Properties
The UnleashedTableProvider class inherits from the built-in TableProvider and encapsu-
lates the metadata information describing a single entity type, such as Product. Because on
one hand, the Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL model providers are internal and on
the other hand they contain quite a bit of logic, you do not want to simply reimplement
them. Instead, the UnleashedTableProvider delegates implementation of most of its
virtual properties and methods to the original TableProvider object it receives as the
second parameter in its constructor.
The only property that does not simply return the original value is Columns . Instead, the
UnleashedTableProvider constructor takes a collection of ColumnProvider objects
returned by the original Columns property and adds to it the UnleashedColumnProvider
objects for each custom property defined in the entity class. This combined collection is
stored in a private field called columns and returned by the overridden Columns property.
You can see the complete source code of the UnleashedTableProvider in Listing 13.7 with
points worthy of attention shown in bold.
LISTING 13.7 UnleashedTableProvider Implementation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Web.DynamicData.ModelProviders;
namespace Unleashed.DynamicData
public sealed class UnleashedTableProvider: TableProvider
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