Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
public class MetaModel
public void RegisterContext(Type contextType);
public void RegisterContext(DataModelProvider dataModelProvider);
To enable support for custom properties, the Decorator design pattern can be applied to
create a set of provider classes that wrap the original Entity Framework provider objects
and provide additional metadata information on top of what is available out of the box.
In the sample solution, a class called UnleashedColumnProvider encapsulates custom
entity properties. The UnleashedTableProvider class wraps a built-in TableProvider
object provided by Dynamic Data and returns a Columns collection populated with
ColumnProvider objects representing the properties defined in the EDMX file plus
the UnleashedColumnProvider objects representing custom properties defined in the
partial classes of the entity model. Finally, the UnleashedModelProvider wraps a
DataModelProvider , enabling you to replace the limited built-in provider with the
extended one, which supports custom properties.
Creating a Custom Property ColumnProvider
The UnleashedColumnProvider class inherits from the built-in ColumnProvider class and
encapsulates metadata about a single custom property. As you see shortly, when the
chapter gets into the implementation of the UnleashedTableProvider , it relies on the
TypeDescriptor API to extract property metadata provided by the .NET run time. As you
recall from the discussion in Chapter 7, the TypeDescriptor API is defined in the
System.ComponentModel namespace. Both Dynamic Data and the validation framework rely
on the TypeDescriptor instead of the low-level .NET Reflection API it extends.
The complete source code of the UnleashedColumnProvider is shown in Listing 13.6.
Although most of the members in the ColumnProvider base class are virtual, they don't
have to be overridden. Instead, the constructor of the UnleashedColumnProvider class
takes a PropertyDescriptor object as its second parameter and initializes the properties,
such as the Name and ColumnType . The first parameter of the constructor supplies a
TableProvider object, required by the only constructor available in the ColumnProvider
base class.
LISTING 13.6 UnleashedColumnProvider Implementation
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.DynamicData.ModelProviders;
namespace WebApplication
public sealed class UnleashedColumnProvider: ColumnProvider
public UnleashedColumnProvider(
UnleashedTableProvider table, PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
: base(table)
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