Chemistry Reference
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properties and variable gravity parameter in chemical bonding, the actual bondonic
triplet ( radii, mass, and gravity )
= (X B , m B , G B ) actions were specialized for all
“classical” carbon systems considered, in order to explore various shape of infor-
mation they contain as depending of various energetic representations. Accordingly,
one represented the actual bondonic triplet: (i) respecting orbital energies and found
the parabolic shape behavior confirming the chemical reactivity ansatz so disputed in
conceptual DFT chemistry; (ii) respecting aromaticity (at its turn driven by chemical
hardness) and found the bondonic behavior with peaks (of Gaussian type in DFT
approach and by double-well potential for Hückel approximation) however different
than those provided by chemical hardness driving aromaticity, so opening new per-
spective of aromaticity aka inertia in chemical reactivity by bondonic insight; (iii)
respecting delocalization energies and by energy differences in general when the
bondonic information display monotonic variation in chemical bonding, including
also non-linear effects for the case of ionicity (salts, cations) present in chemical
bonds/compounds; (iv) respecting the chemical reactivity feature as the reaction rate
(logK) when the bondonic information unfolds similar variation with the molecu-
lar interaction potential as a whole, so making it most reliable in capturing the very
mechanism of chemical bonding at the nano-yet-entangled (long range with memory
effects) level, all due to the present gravitational effects. At this point, one readily
feels the need to finally re-discuss some consequences of having included gravita-
tional arguments in chemical bonding by bondons, since being of striking interest for
the present and future conceptual and predictive quantum chemistry. In this regard,
say one likes to calculate the “classical” mechanical work L G = Gm 0 /r produced by
two attractive electrons in a chemical bond separated at the long range nano-distance
10 33 [ eV ]; next,
when further considering the custom kcal/mol conversion and the bondonic repre-
sentation of the gravitation by the specific transformation ( 11.37c ) one arrives to
the actual work function in terms of bonding energy L G =
10 52 [ Joule ]
100[Å]: that gives about L G
G ×
G ×
10 16 /E bond [ kcal/mol ],
while not forgetting this expression has inside the electronic origin (
m 0 )asthe
base of gravitational work; accordingly, when equating the last gravitational work
with the bondonic Einstein energy L B =
m B c 2 one gets the bondonic/electronic
10 E bond ( kcal/mol ) 1
mass ratio m B /m 0
so that generally achieving, e.g. for
10 5 as recorded
in Table 11.9 for the specific aromatic compounds of Table 11.8 so confirming
the correct and meaningful of the actual numerics as starting from the gravita-
tional work between electrons in keeping/forming/stabilizing the chemical bonding
by the bosonic bondon. Finally, worth addressing also the range of prediction for
such bondonic information as based on gravitational effects in bonding: when go-
ing to thousands of [kcal/mol] in bonding energy, i.e. when dealing with larger
molecules, say polymers or fragments of them thereof, one actually deals with
bonding-gravitational work in the range of L G/B
E bond
100[ kcal/mol ] the correct fraction of ς m =
m B /m 0
10 [ MeV ]
that is specific to Gama (Y) rays spectroscopy, so experimentally achievable! More-
over, while having present that 1Mev accounts for double the rest energy of an
electron 1[ MeV ]
10 9 [ kcal/mol ]
10 13 [ Joule ]
( m 0 c 2 ), there is immediate that
1 . 602
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