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non-linear effect is present since dealing with cations of Table 11.24 as were the
ionic information present by the same effect in Fig. 11.11 too.
The difference with Fig. 11.11 comes from the non-convergence of the radii and
gravitational curves, here remaining indeed parallel, while both being in inverse
variation with respect with bondonic mass, nevertheless still consistent with the
phenomenology they represent: e.g. for higher wave-number/frequency a higher
energy difference is measured so a heavier bondonic mass is associated; instead,
restrained bondonic radii is manifested (due to higher accumulated inertia in
bonding) that corresponds with even lower gravitational values since resuming to
the chemical localization it encompasses.
In this chapter we have applied both the Hückel and DFT theory, but mostly the first
one in order to describe the physico-chemical properties of some aromatic hydro-
carbons and their derivatives with the aim of describing by the structure (valence)
properties their reactivity as substrates and reactants involved in addition and substi-
tution reactions with homolitic and ionic mechanisms, including aromaticity effects
(Nenitzescu 1968 , Part V). These two approaches have provided good correlations
among the energetic indices calculated with regard to the substitution reactions in
which these compounds are involved and the acidity and basicity of their functional
groups, although the Huckel method seems to provide, in spite of their inherent ap-
proximation, more insight regarding the frontier electronic behavior and about the
delocalization electronic features. This feature was tested also by the vanguardist
approach of bondonic chemistry, by which the chemical bond is described with the
help of the associated quantum quasi-particle called as bondon , see also the pre-
vious chapter (Putz and Ori 2015 ). By combining the Schrödinger with Bohmian
description of electronic motion the main feature of bondonic particle were derived,
having in the first site its predicted mass in terms of radii of action and of the binding
energy (in kcal/mol); most interestingly, since of bosonic nature, when assuming
the bondon as behaving like the photon in communicating the bonding information
between the electrons of bonding, interesting features are emerging so that the grav-
itational effects are involved and predicted such that to overcome the “classical”
electrostatic inter-repulsion among electrons in bonding; this approach follows the
Fermi-Planck description of the early universe (the so called Planck Universe), how-
ever here adapted at the level of quantum nanochemsitry; in this context also the
related bondonic action radii emerges as paralleling the gravitational effect: higher
the bondonic action radii higher the gravitational influence need in order to keep
bound such extended system; also the bondonic mass is reshaped, with gravitational
effects, yet spherically correcting the Einstein basic mass-energy relationship, see
Eq. ( 11.37b ), due to the gravitational influence at the distance. However, apart of
the new insight provided by bondon in the nature of the chemical bond, i.e. by con-
sidering its combined features of bosonating fermionic particle with the photonic
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