Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The insert method requires the use of our pair template to add values to myMap . You can see
that we first construct the MyPair object node with the key 4 and value Four. After this, I've added
an example of the emplace method. You can see how it can be more efficient to use emplace
compared with insert in this example. You can leave out the creation of the pair object and a
subsequent copy from the pair into the map by using emplace . The map shares a property with set :
Both containers sort their values as they are entered. A map container will sort the keys into order
as the elements are entered. This is the reason you would use a map rather than a set . If you have a
complex class that you would like to store objects of in a map then the sorting and retrieval of these
objects would be more efficient if you supplied simple data types such as integers as keys. It would
also be possible to store two objects that are identical into a map by giving both objects different
keys, as only the keys in a map are required to be unique.
Unsurprisingly, a map cannot be iterated with exactly the same code as some of the other containers,
as it stores elements as key-value pairs and our loops must take this into account. Listing 16-5
shows an example of how we can loop over all of the elements stored in a map .
Listing 16-5. Looping over a map
for (const auto& node : myMap)
cout << "First: " << node.first << " Second: " << node.second << endl;
The for loop itself is the same and C++ has allowed us to abstract out the MyPair type by using the
auto keyword in its place. You can access the key and value stored in a pair using the first and
second variables. The first variable stores the key and second stores the value.
The find method also supplies an iterator to a map that represents a pair element, as you can see in
Listing 16-6.
Listing 16-6. Using map::find
MyMap::iterator found = myMap.find(2);
if (found != myMap.end())
cout << "Found First: " << found->first << " Second: " << found->second << endl;
To find a value in a map you can use the find method on the map itself, not the stand-alone find
algorithm. The find method takes the key you wish to search for as a parameter and if that key does
not exist, the end element of the map is returned.
Binary Search Trees
At this point we have covered five different STL containers. In the previous chapter I explained the
difference between the way a list and a vector are implemented. set and map are also implemented
differently to the linear containers. The map and set containers are implemented as binary search trees.
A node in a binary search tree stores pointers to two nodes, one to the left and one to the right.
Figure 16-1 shows a visual representation of a tree.
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