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Figure 16-1. A binary search tree
The binary search tree stores the tree in a sorted order to make it a very efficient structure when
looking up nodes. The head node of the tree in Figure 16-1 stores the value 4. If we were looking
for the node that stores the value 2, we would begin by comparing 2 against the value at the head,
which is 4. If our search value is equal to the current node, we have found our value. If it is lower we
move to the left node; if it is higher we move to the right node. As 2 is less than 4, in our example
we would move to the left node. We would then repeat this process at the new node. We compare
first to the value of the node, and 2 equals 2, so we know that we have found the node we were
searching for.
The process of repeating the same operation over and over like this is known as recursion. We
generally implement recursive algorithms using functions that call themselves. Listing 16-7 shows an
implementation of a simple TreeNode class that can be used to recursively search a binary tree structure.
Listing 16-7. A simple TreeNode
class TreeNode
int m_value;
TreeNode* m_pLeft = nullptr;
TreeNode* m_pRight = nullptr;
TreeNode(int value)
: m_value{value}
TreeNode* Find(int searchValue)
TreeNode* pResult = nullptr;
if (m_value == searchValue)
pResult = this;
else if (m_pLeft != nullptr && m_value > searchValue)
pResult = m_pLeft->Find(searchValue);
else if (m_pRight != nullptr && m_value < searchValue)
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