Java Reference
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The only lines in the original Weight servlet requiring change are the class header
line and those lines specifying URLs. The changed lines (with changes indicated in
bold) are shown below.
public class Weight X extends HttpServlet
response.sendRedirect("ShoppingCart X .html");
(There are three occurrences of the above line.)
response.sendRedirect(" Checkout.jsp ");
File , which encapsulates this servlet, will need to be compiled
before running the application, of course.
Finally, we come to the code for the JSP corresponding to the Checkout servlet
(which, naturally enough, will be named Checkout.jsp ). We can't use either printf
(a method of the PrintStream class) or format (a method of the PrintWriter class) to
format our decimal output, since we have neither a PrintStream object nor a
PrintWriter object that we can use. Consequently, we shall have to use the static
method format of the String class.
Since a reference to an object of class Enumeration (from package java.util ) is
returned by the Session class's getAttributeNames method, we shall make use of the
import attribute of the JSP directive page . As in Selection.jsp , use will be made of the
implicit JSP object session , rather than a Session object that has been created explicitly
by this application. Once again, the JSP-specifi c code is shown in bold type…
<!-- Checkout.jsp -->
<%@ page import="java.util.Enumeration" %>
body{text-align=center; }
table,th,td{border:2px solid black;}
fi nal fl oat APPLES_PRICE = 1.45F;
fi nal fl oat PEARS_PRICE = 1.75F;
//In a real application, the above prices would be
//retrieved from a database, of course.
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