Java Reference
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<H1><P STYLE="color:red">Order List</P></H1>
<!-- Now make use of the implicit object session -->
<!-- to retrieve the contents of the shopping cart… -->
//(Removes "Checkout".)
Enumeration prodNames = session.getAttributeNames();
fl oat totalCost = 0;
int numProducts = 0;
while (prodNames.hasMoreElements())
fl oat wt=0,cost=0;
String product = (String)prodNames.nextElement();
String stringWt =
wt = Float.parseFloat(stringWt);
if (product.equals("Apples"))
cost = APPLES_PRICE * wt;
else if (product.equals("Pears"))
cost = PEARS_PRICE * wt;
<TD> <%= product %> </TD>
<TD> <%= wt %> </TD>
<TD> <%= String.format("%.2f",cost) %> </TD>
<TR STYLE="background-color:yellow">
if (numProducts == 0)
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