Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
space within the minimum and maximum of a depth cell and modulates with the
previous transparency.
float4 main ( PS_INPUT input ): SV_Target
{ // Texture/image coordinates to sample/load/read the depth
// values with .
float2 texcoords = input . tex ;
float4 fineZ ;
fineZ . x = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (0, )). x );
fineZ . y = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (0, 1) ) . x );
fineZ . z = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 ( 1, 0) ) . x );
fineZ . w = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (
1) ) . x );
// hiZBuffer stores min in R and max in G.
float minZ = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipCurrent ). x );
float maxZ = linearize ( hiZBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipCurrent ). y );
// Pre divide.
float coarseVolume =1.0 f /( maxZ
minZ );
// Get the previous four fine transparency values .
float4 visibility ;
visibility . x = visibilityBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (0, 0)). x ;
visibility . y = visibilityBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (0,
1)). x ;
visibility . z = visibilityBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (
1, 0 ) ) . x ;
visibility . w = visibilityBuffer . SampleLevel ( pointSampler ,
texcoords , mipPrevious , int2 (
1)). x ;
// Calculate the percentage of visibility relative to the
// calculated coarse depth. Modulate with transparency of
// previous mip.
float4 integration = fineZ . xyzw
abs ( coarseVolume )
visibility . xyzw ;
// Data parallel add using SIMD with a weight of 0.25 because
// we derive the transparency from four pixels .
float coarseIntegration = dot (0.25 f , integration . xyzw );
return coarseIntegration ;
Listing 4.4. The demo uses both a minimum Hi-Z buffer and a maximum Hi-Z buffer.
With them, we calculate how much empty space there is in between the hierarchy depth
cells. We linearize the post-projected depth into view-space Z for the computation. We
could also output a linear Z-buffer during the Hi-Z pass, but this would require some
changes in the ray-tracing pass and cone-tracing pass because view-space Z cannot be
interpolated in screen space by default.
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