Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
4.5.3 Ray-Tracing Pass
The implementation in Listing 4.5 is the Hi-Z ray-tracing code in Microsoft HLSL.
The code snippet is heavily commented and should be easy to follow once the
algorithm presented in Section 4.4.3 is clear.
float3 hiZTrace ( float3 p , float3 v )
{ const float rootLevel = mipCount
1.0 f ; // Convert to 0
// based indexing
float level
// set to 2 in the demo
float iterations
=0.0 f ;
// Get the cell cross direction and a small offset to enter
// the next cell when doing cell crossing.
float2 crossStep , crossOffset ;
crossStep . x =( v . x > =0 ) ? 1. f : 1. f ;
crossStep . y =( v . y > =0 ) ? 1. f : 1. f ;
crossOffset . xy = crossStep . xy ￿ HIZ_CROSS_EPSILON . xy ;
crossStep . xy
= saturate ( crossStep . xy );
// Set current ray to the original screen coordinate and
// depth.
float3 ray = p . xyz ;
// Scale the vector such that z is 1.0f
// (maximum depth) .
float3 d = v . xyz /= v . z ;
// Set starting point to the point where z equals 0.0f (
minimum depth) .
float3 o = intersectDepthPlane ( p . xy , d . xy ,
p . z );
// Cross to next cell so that we don ￿ tgetaself
// intersection immediately.
float2 rayCell
= getCell ( ray . xy , hiZSize . xy );
rayCell . xy , hiZSize . xy , crossStep . xy , crossOffset . xy );
= intersectCellBoundary ( o . xy , d . xy ,
// The algorithm loop HIZ STOP LEVEL was set to 2 in the
// demo; going too high can create artifacts .
[ loop ]
while ( level > = HIZ_STOP_LEVEL && iterations < MAX_ITERATIONS
// Get the minimum depth plane in which the current ray
// resides .
float minZ = getMinimumDepthPlane ( ray . xy , level ,
rootLevel );
// Get the cel l number of our current ray .
const float2 cellCount = getCellCount ( level , rootLevel );
const float2 oldCellIdx = getCell ( ray . xy , cellCount );
// Intersect only if ray depth is below the minimum depth
// plane .
float3 tmpRay = intersectDepthPlane ( o . xy , d . xy
, max ( ray . z , minZ ));
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