Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
As well as being able to download IES files themselves, IES viewer applications on
the World Wide Web ( WWW ) may also be found, which can be extremely useful
when it comes to figuring out the type of effect that a given IES file will produce.
Again, these are often freely available and will be extremely useful when the time
comes to assess the usefulness of a specific IES profile to our project.
With these viewer applications, we typically get to see a two-dimensional represent-
ation of the light energy and distribution patterns contained inside any given IES file.
This comes in the form of a polar diagram that shows the angular spread of the fix-
tures' luminous intensity.
The following screenshot that you see is taken from an online photometric viewer by
Acuity Brands found at their Visual-3d website (
ricviewer/ ) .
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