Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Graph Statistics and Visual Attributes
Graphstatistics canbecomputedusingtheStatistics panel.Tooltipsprovide
hints regarding each metric. Computing a metric will generate a report
showing the distribution of the metric.
Visual attributes are set under the Partition, Ranking, and Clustering panel.
Gephi allows a few visual attributes to be connected to data attributes, such
as node size, node color, label size, and label color. The term “ partition
corresponds to discrete category data, such as “male” and “female”
categories in gender data. The term “ ranking ” corresponds to a quantity,
such as the numeric values provided with income data.
Gephi's Filter panel provides a set of folders organizing different types of
filters and operations, such as filters on ranges of numeric values, text
searches, network topology, and so on. Filters are configured by dragging
and dropping filters from the library into the Query section in the lower part
of the panel, and they are turned on using the Filter button.
Multiple queries can be configured by dragging multiple filters into the
Query panel. If you click between different queries, you toggle between
different filter states. Complex queries comprised of multiple filters are
created by adding another filter to an existing query.
The filtered results of a particular query can be added back to the data or
copied or moved to a new workspace.
Overview vs. Preview Modes
Unlike any other graph software, Gephi has the following two visual modes,
which can be a bit confusing, particularly when a feature is available in one
mode but not the other:
Overview —The overview mode is the main mode for exploring graphs.
It provides a rich interactive analytic environment for adjusting layouts,
configuring visual attributes, adjusting filters, and otherwise exploring
the graph.
Preview —The preview mode is a prepublication environment for
tweaking visual attributes in advance of generating high-quality visual
output. Preview mode is usually used after most of the analysis has been
done in overview mode. Unlike the highly interactive overview mode,
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