Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
13. Save the map file in
___ IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials \Address_Geocoding
with the name 525_Chinoe_Road. Dismiss ArcMap.
Making an Address Locator
14. Back in ArcCatalog use Search to find Create Address Locator. Where is it?
____________________. Start the tool. In the window you will be requested to specify an
Address Locator Style. Browse to choose: US Addresses - Dual Ranges (meaning that
addresses on both sides of a street will be considered). (If a red X appears in the Field Map:
click it, read it, then ignore it.) Browse to find and Add the Reference Data:
___ IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials \Address_Geocoding
Click the entry under Role. Make sure the drop-down menu says Primary Table. Look at the
Field Map. This lists the fields that should be in the table. As you could tell by inspection, they
are. Browse for Output Address Locator field. Put the folder Address Geocoding (in your YourInitials
folder) in the Look in field. Make the name Lexington_Streets. Save. Double-check the path.
Click OK.
Wait while Create Address Locator scrolls by in the Status bar. And wait some more. (The tool
is dealing with a big table.) When the tool is done and you see the pop-up window, look at the
contents of the Address_Geocoding file folder. You should see Lexington_Streets. If you click on
it, the status bar should tell you that it is a Locator. Right-click on the name and pick Properties.
Examine. Dismiss.
Finding the Geographic Position of an Address
15. Restart ArcMap. Open the map 525_Chinoe_Road. With the Drawing toolbar, change the color
of future markers you might draw to black. Click the binoculars on the Tools toolbar to bring up
a Find window. Move the Find window out of the way so that you can see Chinoe Road. Select
the Locations tab. For “Choose a locator” browse to the one you just made in the Catalog Tree
under Address Locators: Lexington Streets. Double-click. For Full Address type
525 Chinoe Road
and press Find. In case you missed it, click Find again (and again) while looking at the map.
The location 525 Chinoe Road will be drawn to your attention. Click Options in the Find window.
Under Offset Options put in 30 Feet, since that is the distance required in this neighborhood
from the street centerline. Click OK.
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