Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
In the Saving Data window change the Name from Export_Output.shp to Blocks&Pop. Save
as type Shapefile. Click Save. Click OK. Add the exported data to the map as a layer. Remove
Blocks. Remove Census4. Check out the new table of Blocks&Pop. How many census blocks
are there in the Knoxville CCD? _____________ Close the table.
Converting the Relevant Files to Cartesian Coordinates
You are going to be working with distances, and that suggests that you should probably convert our files,
which are stored in decimal-degree format, to a coordinate system where you can be surer that distance
calculations are done simply and properly. You are displaying in the State Plane system, but for the sake
of neat and tidy, you should convert the basic data and remap it.
31. Ask for a new blank map in ArcMap, using the New Map icon. Don't save the previous map.
32. In ArcToolbox invoke the Project tool in Data Management Tools > Projections and
Transformations > Feature. Make the input Blocks&Pop.shp. Call the output Blocks&Pop_TN_
SP.shp, because we plan to put the data in the Tennessee State Plane Coordinate System. For
the Output Coordinate System navigate to the
NAD 1983 StatePlane Tennessee FIPS 4100 (Feet)
coordinate system. Make sure that you are placing the output in
IGIS-Arc_ YourInitials \Day_Care_Data
(In version 10.0 you may have to select a Transformation from the drop-down window: WGS
84 to NAD 83.) Click Add. OK the Project window. After the tool executes (look at the lower
right of the window to see the action taking placeā€”it may take some time), the new layer is
automatically added to the map.
33. Use this same procedure and projection to Project the Roads shapefile to Roads_TN_SP.shp
and notice that this layer is added to the map. Hide ArcToolbox.
With all this preparation, you may have forgotten the goal of this exercise: to determine the population
that resides within 3 miles of Galbraith School Road. Now that everything is in place, we can use Select by
Attribute to select 'Galbraith School' road. Then, we can use Select by Location to find the census blocks
that are within 3 miles.
34. To simplify things, remove Roads and Blocks&Pop if you added them ( not the newly created
TN_SP layers) from the T/C. From the Selection menu pick Select By Attributes. As you did
before, select Galbraith School. Label the roads features. Zoom in and use the measure tool to
determine how long the road is, to two decimal places. ________miles.
35. From the Selection menu pick Select By Location. We want to select features from Blocks&Pop_
TN_SP (the Target layer) that are within a distance of the selected features of Roads_TN_SP,
applying a buffer of 3.0 Miles to the selected roads features. Click Apply. Close the Select By
Location window and zoom to selected features in the Blocks&Pop_TN_SP layer.
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