Geography Reference
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52. Right-click on the graph part of the layout and select Properties to bring up the Create Graph
Wizard again. Change the Graph type to Pie. For the Value field select SUIT. For Color pick
Palette (Excel). Turn on Show labels (marks). Click the Appearance tab. Make the title Relative
Areas of Soil Suitabilities. Click Graph in 3D view. See Figure 3-18. Click Apply, then OK. Zoom
in (Layout Toolbar) on the chart to get a better look.
53. Zoom Whole Page. Save the map with the name Soils_with_Graph_2. Print the Layout if
you want.
54. Notice that water is shown as a portion of the pie chart. That didn't bother us so much when it
was on the bar graph, but here it skews the results. On the Sum_Output_x table select records
with SUIT values 1, 2, and 3. Start the Graph Wizard and proceed as before, this time check the
Use Selected Records box. Now the graph shows that only three soil suitabilities of actual land
area are represented. If you want the color on the graph to correspond to the colors on the map
you have to correct them on the map. The colors of the graph cannot be easily changed. Place
the graph on the Layout and save as Soils_with_Graph_3.
As a last topic: you can put graphics or text information into a data frame directly from a variety
of sources. This subject really gets us away from our intended goal—preparing you to do analyses
with GIS—but it is a major feature of the software that you should know about, so we will look at it
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