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Introducing custom checks
With ServiceControl.Plugin.CustomChecks installed, we can perform several checks.
In this section, we will be using the PubSub--ReportFailure solution—the MyPublisher
project reports a failure check that will be reported in ServicePulse. This solution shows
custom checks.
In this section, we will also be using the PubSub--ReportPass solution—the MyPublisher
project reports a pass check that will be reported in ServicePulse. This solution shows cus-
tom checks.
There are the following base constructors under the CustomCheck package—the base
constructor is used to define which class is passing or failing:
ReportPass : This will report that the custom check has passed
ReportFailed : This will report that a custom check has failed, passing in the
string stating the reason for the failure
Here, we create the code for a custom check object that can be called when we submit a
payment as an additional check. It is a simple constructor in a MyCustomCheck class that
will pass information through the base class of CustomCheck . We call this class when we
send the SubmitPayment command from the ECommerce project using MyCus-
tomCheck myCheck = new MyCustomCheck(); :
using System;
using System.IO;
using ServiceControl.Plugin.CustomChecks;
using ServiceControl.Plugin.CustomChecks.Messages;
using ServiceControl.Plugin.CustomChecks.Internal;
namespace PaymentEngine.ECommerce
public class MyCustomCheck : CustomCheck
public MyCustomCheck()
: base("ECommerce SubmitPayment check",
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