Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The ServiceControl plugin for DebugSessions : Debug session is a dedicated
plugin that enables integration between ServiceMatrix and ServiceInsight.
The ServiceControl plugin for Heartbeats : The Heartbeat plugin sends heart-
beat messages from the endpoint to the ServiceControl queue. These messages
are sent every 10 seconds (by default).
The ServiceControl plugin for Saga Audits : The Saga Audit plugin collects
saga runtime activity information. This information enables the display of de-
tailed saga data, behavior, and the current status of the ServiceInsight saga view.
By installing the Heartbeats plugin into the ECommerce and PaymentProcessing pro-
jects, ServicePulse will provide heartbeat information on the uptime of these services.
We can also run ServiceInsight to visually see the flow of the Ecommerce MVC by send-
ing SubmitPayment to PaymentProcessing .
We can walk down the message and drill down into further information to gain insight in-
to the performance and operation of the messages and endpoints.
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