Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting the data from the server is much simpler. To do so, write a simple coroutine to
download the data that you can call when it's needed:
IEnumerator GetSavedDataFromWWW()
string url = "
WWW www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
if (www.error == null)
var restoredData = DeserializePlayerState(www.bytes);
Debug.LogError("Error: " + www.error);
Note that the examples are over-simplified to show you how the WWW class works.
For more information about the WWW class, see the Unity scripting reference guide at ht-
tps:// .
If you would rather not roll your services, you can use backends such as Azure for which
some budding teams have put together plugins for Unity3D. Check them out at ht-
tp:// .
There is even a promising Unity implementation that connects to Google Services as well
at .
I've not seen any implementation for AWS as yet, but keep an eye out for this or use the
previous examples as a primer to start your own; if you do see any, please share!
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