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Custom editors
Say you want to control the entire scope of a single class or ScriptableObject ; this
is where CustomEditor scripts come in.
They can be used against any script that can be attached to a game object to alter how it
works in the Unity editor inspector.
As an example of these (the best way to show custom editors is through code), we will
add some functionality to a camera to provide us with better control over it in a scene.
First, we'll need a very simple camera script that will point the camera to a specified tar-
get, starting at 0 , 0 , 0 . So, create a new script named CameraLookAt in As-
sets\Scripts and replace its contents with the following code:
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraLookAt : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 cameraTarget =;
void Update()
We can then define a CustomEditor script that will be run by the editor whenever it
detects a game object with the script attached to it.
As with a lot of editor features, remember (as a good rule of thumb) that if a class requires
the UnityEditor namespace, it will need to live in the special Editor folder in your
So, create a new C# script called CameraTargetEditor in As-
sets\Scripts\Editor in your project and replace its contents with the following
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