Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class CameraTargetEditor : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
CameraLookAt targetScript = (CameraLookAt)target;
targetScript.cameraTarget =
EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field ("Look At Point",
if (GUI.changed)
This script doesn't do much yet; we now have a Vector3 handle in our script that dis-
plays the position of the camera's target (the specific point it is looking at). What is very
nice here is that you can edit the values and the camera will automatically transform itself
to look at the new point. To demonstrate this, create a new scene named EditorDemos
in Assets\Scenes and attach the CameraLookAt script to Main Camera . If you
then select the Main Camera game object in the hierarchy, you will see the following set-
tings in the Inspector pane:
This is a lot easier than messing with the rotation values of the ordinary camera. Let's con-
tinue to add more functionalities that will blow your mind.
If the custom editor script depends on certain properties or components being available on
the game object you attach it to, then be sure to use the RequireConponent attribute
on the base class (not the CustomEditor script).
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