Game Development Reference
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Adding the first enemy
We need to create a prefab for our first enemy. Doing so is simple. First, let's start with the
goblin character in the asset pack ( Fantasy_Pack\01_Characters\05.png ), split
its sprite up using Sprite Editor , drag sprite image 05_03 on to the scene, and then re-
name the new game object to Goblin . The enemy would look as the following diagram:
With the character in place, it's time to give the nasty little fellow some logic; we won't
use this just yet in this chapter but it's good to have it from the beginning (see Chapter 10 ,
The Battle Begins , for the applied AI).
So create a new AnimatorController called GoblinAI.controller and place it in
Assets\Animation\Controllers , which gives us the basic Animator view, as
shown in the following screenshot:
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