Database Reference
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To obtain database-scope reports:
The database-scope reports are handy reports for the users to obtain the
database-related information such as disk usage by the tables, top transactions
activity, index usage statistics, and user statistics. These reports can be exported
as Microsoft Excel sheet or Adobe PDF formats.
This completes the guidance-based steps in building best usage processes of DMVs.
How it works...
Traditionally, these reports are called as the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) reports.
Though the recipe is titled as best usage of Dynamic Management Views (DMV), what we
have seen is the usage of SSMS, which offers an advantage of not having any advanced TSQL
programming knowledge.
The Management Studio reports are server-scope and database-scope, which provide the
current snapshot of information on the server and database. Internally, the report executes
the set of Transact-SQL statements and Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) that will
correlate and aggregate information to present the data as a report. Internally, these reports
will use the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) components, but SSRS need not be
installed on the desktop or the server.
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