Database Reference
In-Depth Information
37. Select Create a new report server database, which will be the newly
installed SSRS instance. Once authenticate is set, click Test Connection for
a successful establishment.
38. Type the database name ReportServerSharePointIntegratedTemp and select
the option Report Server Mode as SharePoint Integrate. Click Next to continue.
39. Set credentials that will be used for connecting to the database. If everything is in
one box, Service Credentials will be enough. In case you need to change the port
of Web Service URL, go to the Web Service URL section by clicking Web Service
URL navigational tab button and set it. The URL will be http://DBIASSQA:2000/
ReportServer the port number for the web server is 2000.
The port number can be of any range between 1500 to 3000. If
in the case the Web server is behind a firewall, then make sure
that you enter the defined port in the Firewall exceptions list.
40. The process to create the database will follow the sequence of Verifying database
SKU, Generate database scripts, Execute database scripts, Generate user rights
scripts, apply connection rights, and finally setting DSN Connections
41. Double-click on the file, which is downloaded at step 20, Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 Reporting Services add-in. Complete the installation.
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