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The Engineers Council for Professional
Development (ECPD), in USA has defined the
term of engineering as: “the creative applica-
tion of scientific principles to design or develop
structures, machines, apparatus, or manufactur-
ing processes, or works utilizing them singly or
in combination; or to construct or operate the
same with full cognizance of their design; or to
forecast their behavior under specific operating
conditions; all as respects an intended function,
economics of operation and safety to life and
property” (Science 1941).
placement of materials, and organizing the
personnel and equipment.
5. Production , Plant layout and equipment
selection are the responsibility of the pro-
duction engineer, who chooses processes
and tools, integrates the flow of materials
and components, and provides for testing
and inspection.
6. Operation , The operating engineer controls
machines, plants, and organizations provid-
ing power, transportation, and communica-
tion; determines procedures; and supervises
personnel to obtain reliable and economic
operation of complex equipment.
7. Management and other functions , in some
countries and industries, engineers analyze
customers' requirements, recommend units
to satisfy needs economically, and resolve
related problems.
3. rEquIrEmEntS to mAkE
An engineer supposes to solve complex prob-
lems by the simplest solutions. They are often
responsible for directly creating a new product or
service. The main functions of an engineer have
been defined through 7 terms by Encyclopedia
Britannica (Smith 2009):
By integrating all above mentioned functions,
the required skills for all engineering disciplines
can be sorted in 3 categories: mathematics and
science, team working and curiosity, creativity
and innovation (Figure 1). Every educational cur-
riculum for engineering education has to fulfill
these themes comprehensively.
1. Research , Using mathematical and scien-
tific concepts, experimental techniques, and
inductive reasoning, the research engineer
seeks new principles and processes.
2. Development , Development engineers apply
the results of research to useful purposes.
Creative application of new knowledge may
result in a working model of a new electrical
circuit, a chemical process, or an industrial
3. Design , in designing a structure or a prod-
uct, the engineer selects methods, specifies
materials, and determines shapes to satisfy
technical requirements and to meet perfor-
mance specifications.
4. Construction , The construction engineer is
responsible for preparing the site, determin-
ing procedures that will economically and
safely yield the desired quality, directing the
Mathematics and Science
Math and science are the basis of engineering.
Physics, chemistry, biology, economics, psychol-
ogy as the laws, forces and resources of nature
are the primal necessities of different engineering
disciplines. The physical sciences are concerned
with the laws that govern the world and the realities
of nature. Mathematic however is a comprehensive
concept that, in spite of being inspired by the rules
of nature, does not bound up with it. It can exist
and grow within itself. Mathematics and basic
sciences are pure. Engineering, in contrast, is not
pure. The process of training an engineer to apply
the basic rules of science and to design a machine
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