Java Reference
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The ArrayChangeListener interface has only one method: onChanged(T observableArray, boolean
sizeChanged, int from, int to) . Notice that instead of passing a Change object to the onChange() method,
as is done in ListChangeListener , MapChangeListener , and SetChangeListener , ArrayChangeListener passes
characteristics of the change directly as parameters. The first parameter is the ObservableArray itself. The
sizeChanged parameter will be true if the size of the observable array has changed. The from and to parameters mark
the range of the changed elements, inclusive on the from end, and exclusive on the to end.
The ObservableIntegerArray and ObservableFloatArray interfaces have methods that manipulate the data in a
type-specific way. We list the methods of ObservableIntegerArray (methods of ObservableFloatArray are similar):
copyTo(int srcIndex, int[] dest, int destIndex, int length)
copyTo(int srcIndex, ObservableIntegerArray dest, int destIndex, int length)
int get(int index)
addAll(int... elements)
addAll(ObservableIntegerArray src)
addAll(int[] src, int srcIndex, int length)
addAll(ObservableIntegerArray src, int srcIndex, int length)
setAll(int... elements)
setAll(int[] src, int srcIndex, int length)
setAll(ObservableIntegerArray src)
setAll(ObservableIntegerArray src, int srcIndex, int length)
set(int destIndex, int[] src, int srcIndex, int length)
set(int destIndex, ObservableIntegerArray src, int srcIndex, int length)
set(int index, int value)
int[] toArray(int[] dest)
int[] toArray(int srcIndex, int[] dest, int length)
The addAll() methods append to the ObservableIntegerArray . The setAll() methods replace the content
of the ObservableIntegerArray . The sources to these two sets of methods can be a vararg array of int s, an
ObservableIntegerArray , an int array with a starting index and a length, or an ObservableIntegerArray with a starting
index and a length. The get() method returns the value at the specified index. The set() methods replace a portion
of the ObservableIntegerArray with new values starting at the index specified in the first parameter. The replacement
data can be a single int value, an int array with a starting index and a length, or an ObservableIntegerArray with
a starting index and a length. If there is not enough room in the original ObservableIntegerArray to accommodate
the replacement data, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. The copyTo() methods copy a portion of the
ObservableIntegerArray starting at the specified srcIndex into a destination int array or ObservableIntegerArray
starting at the specified destIndex . The length parameter dictates the length of the portion copied. If there are not
enough elements in the source ObservableIntegerArray to form a portion of the specified length, or if there is not
enough room in the destination to accommodate the copied portion, an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
The toArray() methods copy the content of the ObservableIntegerArray into an int array. If the dest parameter is not
null and has enough room, it is filled and returned; otherwise a new int array is allocated, filled, and returned. In the
form where the srcIndex and length are specified, if there are not enough elements in the ObservableIntegerArray , an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
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