Game Development Reference
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How to do it...
As with the previous examples, we begin by creating a new class that extends the
ScriptObject interface. We can call it AIScriptControl .
1. It needs to have an AIControl field called aiControl and a
Class<AIState> field called targetState .
2. It might also have a Spatial called target .
3. Finally, we add a Boolean called enabled .
4. In its trigger method, we should call onTrigger if enabled is true .
5. In the onTrigger method, we apply targetState to aiControl :
6. If target is not null, we call aiControl.setTarget(target) .
7. The StateMachine for the AIControl we created was a closed system and it
didn't need any external input to change the states. Now, we need to be able to trig-
ger it externally so let's add a setter method in the AIControl . Create a new
method called setState , which takes a Class<AIState> called state as
an input parameter.
8. Inside, we check whether spatial has the supplied state, and enable it if pos-
if(spatial.getControl(state) != null){
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