Game Development Reference
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10. If we try AppState now, we would be able to scroll across the scene with our
keys. We still have mouse controls and rotation to take care of.
11. Let's begin with rotation. We will handle it through a method called rotate .
The supplied value is our rotateSpeed variable, from which we'll extract a
Quaternion rotated around the y axis. We then multiply the Quaternion with
the camera's rotation as follows:
private void rotate(float value){
Quaternion rotate = new
Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.PI * value,
12. Furthermore, we need to make a few alterations to the update method. First, we
look to see whether the user has pressed any of the rotation keys and call the ro-
tate method:
} else if (rotateRight){
13. The next piece is a bit trickier, and we perform it just above the line where we
multiply tempVector by moveSpeed (highlighted). We multiply tem-
pVector by the camera's rotation to make sure that we get the movement across
the correct axes. Then, since the camera is slightly tilted, we negate any move-
ment along the y axis. The best way to understand what would happen is to prob-
ably remove this line and try it out as follows:
tempVector.multLocal(1, 0, 1).normalizeLocal();
14. That's rotation taken care of! It's pretty common in RTS or top-down games to
scroll by moving the mouse to the extremes of the screen. So, let's add functional-
ities for that. The following code snippet should be added in the update method
above the rotation checks:
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