Database Reference
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postgis_cookbook=# SELECT
f_geography_column, coord_dimension,
srid, type FROM geography_columns WHERE
f_table_name = 'global_24h_geographic';
f_geography_column | coord_dimension |
srid | type
geog | 2 |
4326 | Point
6. Analyze the new PostGIS table with ogrinfo (use the -fid option just to
display one record from the table):
$ ogrinfo PG:"dbname='postgis_cookbook'
user='me' password='mypassword'"
chp01.global_24h_geographic -fid 1
INFO: Open of
`PG:dbname='postgis_cookbook' user='me'
using driver `PostgreSQL' successful.
Layer name: chp01.global_24h_geographic
Geometry: Point
Feature Count: 30326
Extent: (-155.284000, -40.751000) -
(177.457000, 70.404000)
Layer SRS WKT:
FID Column = gid
Geometry Column = the_geom
latitude: String (80.0)
longitude: String (80.0)
brightness: String (80.0)
...frp: String (80.0)
latitude (String) = -23.386
longitude (String) = -46.197
brightness (String) = 307.5
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