Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
generated/energy consumed). The economics of retrieving the produced methane
gas for power generation or exhaust heat recovery was also positive, and the cost of
diesel fuel capable of operating the vacuum car for an annual distance of 1,900 km
was obtained as surplus funds.
When the value of the digested sludge remaining after methane fermentation of
the waste glycerin as fertilizer was examined, a fertilizer application effect of 1.2
times was confi rmed in comparison with non-application of fertilizer.
In the future, we anticipate the construction of a resource recycling system con-
sisting of rapeseed oil
waste glycerin
digestive liquid remaining from
methane fermentation
cultivation of rapeseed.
The Future of the Rapeseed Project
In June 2013, all of the 194 tsunami-affected areas planned for the collective reloca-
tion of local residents by Miyagi Prefecture received government approval. The aim
is to complete land improvements by FY2015, and although collective relocation
alone does not resolve all the issues, a pathway has opened up towards the recon-
struction of the daily lives of the people affected by the disaster. At the same time,
with regard to farmland, of 2,700 ha of affected farmland in Sendai City, agricul-
tural work resumed on 500 ha in FY2012. Agricultural production is scheduled to
resume on 900 ha in FY2013, and 400 ha in FY2014 (Sendai City 2013 ).
Of the 251 strawberry farmers in Watari District, 232 were affected by the tsu-
nami. At present seedling nurseries and vinyl cultivation houses covering a total
area of roughly 70 ha are under construction in three locations is the district. A
“strawberry estate” is expected to be completed by the summer of 2013 at a total
project cost of 11 billion yen. With farmers expanding to larger scale production
regimes, and under the banner of conversion to the Sextiary Sector (fusion of the
primary, secondary and tertiary industries), the area surrounding Sendai City gives
a sense of the rapid progression of reconstruction projects, while the resumption of
agriculture in Iwate Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture is only just beginning.
The Graduate School of Agricultural Science project is supporting the cultiva-
tion of rapeseed in upland fi elds in Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture, and also in
fl ower beds that have been affected by the tsunami along the coastal National Route
45. In Minamisoma City, affected by both tsunami salt damage and pollution by
radioactive substances, the institution is also providing seeds, performing trial cul-
tivation on farmland polluted by radioactive substances, and fi eld work with the
objective of assessing the migration of radioactive substances to the plant body and
seeds. This is particularly important in Minamisoma and other areas, where the
production of food is problematical on farmland contaminated with a high concen-
tration of radioactive substances. The cultivation of B. napus for the production of
BDF is thought to be effective in this case.
A survey was conducted on the production of rapeseed in 2011 by the Fukushima
Agricultural Technology Centre. This survey also covered rapeseed that was sown
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