Java Reference
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Trigonometric functions
Basic functions for computing the sine, cosine, tangent, etc. Java also includes
hyperbolic versions and the inverse functions (such as arc sine).
max() , min()
Overloaded functions to return the greater and smaller of two arguments (both
of the same numeric type).
Used to return the largest integer smaller than the argument (which is a dou‐
ble). ceil() returns the smallest integer larger than the argument.
pow() , exp() , log()
Functions for raising one number to the power of another, and for computing
exponentials and natural logarithms. log10() provides logarithms to base-10,
rather than the natural base.
Let's look at some simple examples of how to use these functions:
System . out . println ( Math . abs ( 2 ));
System . out . println ( Math . abs (- 2 ));
double cosp3 = Math . cos ( 0.3 );
double sinp3 = Math . sin ( 0.3 );
System . out . println (( cosp3 * cosp3 + sinp3 * sinp3 )); // Always 1.0
System . out . println ( Math . max ( 0.3 , 0.7 ));
System . out . println ( Math . max ( 0.3 , - 0.3 ));
System . out . println ( Math . max (- 0.3 , - 0.7 ));
System . out . println ( Math . min ( 0.3 , 0.7 ));
System . out . println ( Math . min ( 0.3 , - 0.3 ));
System . out . println ( Math . min (- 0.3 , - 0.7 ));
System . out . println ( Math . floor ( 1.3 ));
System . out . println ( Math . ceil ( 1.3 ));
System . out . println ( Math . floor ( 7.5 ));
System . out . println ( Math . ceil ( 7.5 ));
System . out . println ( Math . round ( 1.3 )); // Returns long
System . out . println ( Math . round ( 7.5 )); // Returns long
System . out . println ( Math . pow ( 2.0 , 10.0 ));
System . out . println ( Math . exp ( 1 ));
System . out . println ( Math . exp ( 2 ));
System . out . println ( Math . log ( 2.718281828459045 ));
System . out . println ( Math . log10 ( 100_000 ));
System . out . println ( Math . log10 ( Integer . MAX_VALUE ));
System . out . println ( Math . random ());
System . out . println ( "Let's toss a coin: " );
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