Java Reference
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c . x // Field x of class C
(( B ) c ). x // Field x of class B
(( A ) c ). x // Field x of class A
So far, we've been discussing instance fields. Class fields can also be hidden. You can
use the same super syntax to refer to the hidden value of the field, but this is never
necessary, as you can always refer to a class field by prepending the name of the
desired class. Suppose, for example, that the implementer of PlaneCircle decides
that the Circle.PI field does not express to enough decimal places. She can define
her own class field PI :
public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846 ;
Now code in PlaneCircle can use this more accurate value with the expressions PI
or PlaneCircle.PI . It can also refer to the old, less accurate value with the expres‐
sions super.PI and Circle.PI . However, the area() and circumference() meth‐
ods inherited by PlaneCircle are defined in the Circle class, so they use the value
Circle.PI , even though that value is hidden now by PlaneCircle.PI .
Overriding Superclass Methods
When a class defines an instance method using the same name, return type, and
parameters as a method in its superclass, that method overrides the method of the
superclass. When the method is invoked for an object of the class, it is the new defi‐
nition of the method that is called, not the old definition from the superclass.
The return type of the overriding method may be a subclass of
the return type of the original method (instead of being
exactly the same type). This is known as a covariant return .
Method overriding is an important and useful technique in object-oriented pro‐
gramming. PlaneCircle does not override either of the methods defined by Circle ,
but suppose we define another subclass of Circle , named Ellipse .
It is important for Ellipse to override the area() and circumference() methods
of Circle in this case, because the formulas used to compute the area and circum‐
ference of a circle do not work for ellipses.
The upcoming discussion of method overriding considers only instance methods.
Class methods behave quite differently, and they cannot be overridden. Just like
fields, class methods can be hidden by a subclass but not overridden. As noted ear‐
lier in this chapter, it is good programming style to always prefix a class method
invocation with the name of the class in which it is defined. If you consider the class
name part of the class method name, the two methods have different names, so
nothing is actually hidden at all.
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